About us

We are delighted to announce that we will be the new owners of Les Ochay campsite from the beginning of 2024. As avid campers and hikers, we have visited many campsites at home and abroad and for more than 10 years we dreamed of running our own campsite. In 2022, we discovered this jewel on the Semois river and fell in love instantly. Every time we put up our tent here, it felt like coming home.

In 2023, we dared to ask Erik and Diana the ultimate question: “Can we buy your campsite?”. A year later, we can call ourselves the new owners of Camping Les Ochay and can’t wait to welcome you!

Over the past 16 years, Erik and Diana created a place to which many happily return every year. The tranquillity and atmosphere at the campsite appealed to us enormously and we want to keep it that way. We are building on what Erik and Diana realised, but with our own touch.  

In the winter of 2023, we have already made some changes. For instance, we will welcome you in our brand new reception and we have also built a user-friendly website.

Curious? We are eager to welcome you from 29 March 2024!


Tom & Saartje